Thursday 17 January 2013

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast

How to get rid of pim­ples overnight has now become a hot trend around the web. Peo­ple around the globe search­ing for all pos­si­ble home reme­dies, med­ica­tions and effec­tive meth­ods to get rid of pim­ples quickly. I am also a for­mer suf­ferer of acne and pim­ples and I am writ­ing this arti­cle on my exten­sive research on how to get rid of pim­ples fast sub­ject and I have found some mag­i­cal ways to get rid of pim­ples overnight. So let get started.

Pim­ple a social life killer – How to get rid of pim­ples overnight?

I know every­one have social life and you will give it a great impor­tance. You will never let any­one to ruin your social life either it is a man or some kind of dis­ease. But that’s a real­ity that pim­ples can ruin your social life badly. If you have a date, dance party, prom party or even worst case mar­riage tomor­row and you observe that you have a big red bump on your face.
I know you will be wor­ried at that moment and you will dying to know that how to get rid of pim­ples overnight. You wish can any­one help me? Yes we can…

How to get rid of pim­ples overnight – Use tea tree oil to cure pim­ples:

Tea tree oil is great and nat­ural way to get rid of pim­ples fast. It has spe­cial char­ac­ter­is­tic by hav­ing anti bac­te­r­ial prop­erty in it. You can apply tea tree oil to affected skin pores and it will kill all bacteria’s which cause pim­ples to come out. You can also use ‘Honey Manuka’ which is also a great prod­uct to get rid of pim­ples quickly. But always use such honey manuka that have UMF (unique manuka fac­tor) higher than 15. The higher the num­ber the qual­ity of honey manuka will better.
I am per­son­ally not a big fan of oily cures and med­ica­tions but I have seen peo­ple who get rid of their pim­ples within one or two days by using these prod­ucts. Use these meth­ods your own risk because as you know that every per­son has dif­fer­ent skin tex­ture and unique immune system.

How to get rid of pim­ples overnight by using Aspirin – Another great home remedy :

You can also get rid of your pim­ples quickly by using a great rem­edy called Aspirin. First just wash your entire face includ­ing affected pim­ple region with mild warm water so that It can clean your face from any excess oil and dirt and it will also help to open skin pores. After that crunch one or two uncoated aspirin in a small bowl. Add few drops of water in it to form creamy paste. Once the paste is ready apply this cream to your affected pim­ples for 20 to 30 minutes.

After that rinse your face lightly and wash your face with some cool water to close pores. After­wards you can apply any facial mois­tur­izer but I rec­om­mend Aloe Vera gel. You can use this method for 2 to 3 times a day. I hope when you will wake up next morn­ing you will have a pim­ple free glow­ing skin.

Some more tips on how to get rid of pim­ples overnight:

1-      Take vit­a­mins reg­u­larly but spe­cially vit­a­min E because it is very use­ful to pre­vent pim­ples to appear or any kind of skin disease.

2-      Eat fresh fruits and leafy veg­eta­bles to strengthen your immune system.

3-      Drinks lots of water every day because it will help to detox­ify your body.

4-      Keep your stress level low.

5-      Get enough sleep.

6-      Wash your face reg­u­larly so oil and dirt could not harm your skin.

Here are some more professional tips to get rid of acne fast. Visit  How To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast  

Styes Treatment - How To Get Rid Of An Eye Pimple Fast

Pimples are some­times appeared on eye­lid and it hurts a lot. Eyes are extremely sen­si­tive part of our body so to tackle this sit­u­a­tion you should try pro­fes­sional meth­ods to get rid of an eye pim­ple quickly.

Some­times they form over night, but they also can start through­out the day. You will start to notice that your eye is a lit­tle ten­der when you blink. You might also start to see a small bump on the edge of your eye­lid. Then even­tu­ally you will real­ize that your entire eye has swollen. Don’t freak out, many peo­ple get them and there is an easy way to get rid of them.

Styes Treatments Methods:

1 - First you will need to take a clean wash­cloth, dip it into hot water, and press it on your eye that has the eye pim­ple. Hold this for 20 to 30 sec­onds and repeat a few times.

2 - Next take two fin­gers and gen­tly mas­sage the area around the eye pim­ple. Most of the time there is a small bump vis­i­ble. Mas­sag­ing the area will cause the inflam­ma­tion to go down and the bump to go away.

3 - Repeat steps one and two four times a day until the zit is gone.

4 - The tan­nic acid in tea is reported to help cure styes — take a used tea bag that is still warm and apply it to the eye as a warm compress.

5 - An old folk rem­edy rec­om­mends rins­ing the eye with milk. If it works for you, let us know!

6 - Refrain from wear­ing eye makeup while the stye is active.

Some Do's and Dont's

1 - Some­times the bump will go away on its own, how­ever some­times they do not. This is why mas­sag­ing the area is impor­tant.

2 - No one likes zits, but when you do get one your first instinct is to squeeze and pop them. You do not want to do that. Pop­ping an eye pim­ple can cause the bac­te­ria from the zit to enter the eye and cause an eye infec­tion. How­ever, if you fol­low these steps your eye pim­ple should go away in a few days or less.

Here are some more professional tips to get rid of acne fast. Visit  How To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast 

How To Remove Whiteheads

Lots of peo­ple mostly women asks ques­tion about what are whiteheads?what are their types? and how can we remove white­heads so that our skin look fresh and healthy. Today in this arti­cle we will try to answers all of the above fol­low­ing ques­tions in the light of clin­i­cally approved science.

There is a say­ing that states If you want to kill your enemy then you should know him closely. The same case applies here, you should know about these alien look­ing crea­tures and how they spread before treat­ing them. So tights your seat belt and ready for a pleas­ant long drive with us.

What Are Whiteheads?

White­heads some­times it also be named as zits are a pale or white-topped pus­tule which appears on your skin due to dirt and pol­lu­tion. Why they are named as white­heads because the air can­not reach the fol­li­cle, the mate­r­ial is not oxi­dized, and remains white.

Types Of Whiteheads:

Basi­cally white­heads are one of the types of acne but it is not a severe one and can be treated eas­ily. There is also a sis­ter type sim­i­lar to white­heads are the black­heads. They look black because oxy­gen is oxi­dized in the mate­r­ial. But the main sim­i­lar­ity between these two are they both have micro­scopic open­ing to the skin surface.
You are think­ing in your mind Hay cow­boy! pls stop here we want tips to remove white­heads so here are some pro­fes­sional ways which not only good to elim­i­nate white­heads but also suit­able to get rid of pim­ples fast in no time.

How To Remove A Whitehead Tip#1
Pick a clean wash­cloth and dub it in mild hot water and then put it on the sur­face where white­heads are located. Apply it gen­tly so that mild hot water could soften the sur­face. Carry on this process until the desired result (soft­ness) is achieved.

Use Blood Lancet Package Tip#2

Let unfold your blood lancet pack­age and put its sharp­ened tip onto top sur­face of the white­head. The idea is here to just punc­ture the tip of the white­head so that toxic mate­r­ial could be flushed out from your skin. Note: Don’t insert too much pres­sure because ulti­mately it will cause your skin to scar­ring. So keep in mind and use blood lancet gently.

After that just use cot­ton paper and clean the pores and apply any anti-bacterial cream you have.

Apply Tea Tree Oil Tip#3
Tea tree oil is nat­ural home rem­edy for all type of acne because of its anti-bacterial nature. You can just put one drop of tea tree oil on your white­heads and leave it to the nature to do its trick. This oil is very effi­cient and used widely around the world.

Natural Healer Honey Tip#4
Honey is a very effec­tive home rem­edy against all the dis­eases which spreads around us. Just apply honey on the white­heads and observe the results. Honey is very good for your skin, so you include it in your reg­u­lar diet.

Apply Mint Julep Mask Tip#5
So what the hell is mint julep masque?. Mint Julep Masque is the orig­i­nal nat­ural home treat­ment to help dry up pim­ples, rinse away black­heads and shrink enlarged pores. Just apply it on affected areas and washout after 15 min­utes if it dries your skin then you will be wit­nesses a glow­ing gor­geous skin of yours.

These are some clin­i­cally approved meth­ods to get rid of white­heads for good. If you use these tips care­fully than there will be more than a healthy chance for you to say good-bye to white­heads. If you want more pro­fes­sional ways and sys­tem­atic plan to get rid of acne,pimples,blackheads and white­heads then below are some rec­om­mended solu­tion for you to check out with­out any delay.

Here are some more professional tips to get rid of acne fast. Visit  How To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast  

Thanks for reading.

How To Remove Pimples Fast

In this arti­cle I’m going to show you, the secret to remove pim­ples. If you have just one or two pim­ples on your skin, then you should use any cream or any for­mu­lae. But be care­ful, you should never put it on dry­ing. If you are suf­fer­ing with pim­ples in large areas (cys­tic), you don’t have to be wor­ried, you can still do some­thing. You just have to buy any cream that would recover your skin.


How Pim­ple Comes

Basi­cally, pim­ples grow when you are hav­ing dirt and pol­lu­tion on your face. So I would also rec­om­mend you to wash your face five times a day, in this way your face will be fresh and pim­ples never come ahead.

Tips To Get Rid Of Pimples Overnight:
If you are hav­ing pim­ple on your face, you can also use any nat­ural resource such as “honey”. But, you must have to use pure honey; in case you can not afford a cream for your pimple. You can also use ice to cool down your pim­ple for two min­utes. This act will reduce your pimple’s swelling and don’t touch your pim­ple. If you touch your pim­ple then this will not reduce your pim­ple faster, so don’t touch your pimple. Don’t use too many chem­i­cal prod­ucts for the pim­ple it can harm your skin. Drink water as more as you can.

Here are some more professional tips to get rid of acne fast. Visit  How To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast 

How To Get Rid Of Acne Naturally

Acne is a skin prob­lem that causes pim­ples, white­heads and black­heads. It is a com­mon prob­lem in teenagers, but any­one can get acne. Acne could be cause in babies even. Actu­ally This is caused when your skin is hav­ing dirt and pol­lu­tion. So as you know “pre­ven­tion is bet­ter than cure”, so if you don’t want to get pim­ples, you should wash your face five times a day and beware of pollution.
There are lots of Acne Treatments that you can use to get rid of acne here are some effective methods mentions below:

How to Get Rid Of Acne Naturally Tips

  • When­ever you get per­spire, wash your face, chest, neck and the upper back with a mild and fragrance-free skin cleanser. And beware of deodor­ant and other harsh soaps, because it con­tains chem­i­cals that may harm your skin.
  • Don’t wash your skin too fre­quently or scrub your skin harshly. Wash­ing your skin it will help your skin to get rid of your pim­ple by remov­ing excess oil and dead skin cells. If you’d wash it fre­quent or harsh, you’ll prob­a­bly aggra­vate your pimple.
  • Don’t touch or squeeze your pim­ple, because it may cause of addi­tional pim­ples. Squeez­ing it may also cause of skin infec­tion, so don’t squeeze.
  • Don’t wear tight cloths because it may delay the heal­ing of your pim­ple and it would also cause of new pimples.
Use of Egg Yolks
Vit­a­min A is very good and healthy for the treat­ment of any skin issue. You can use egg yolks for the treat­ment of your acne, it isn’t the best way. Med­ical prod­ucts also con­tain a form of Vit­a­min A.
  • Sep­a­rate the egg yolk from the egg whites (we just want to use the yolk).
  • Beat the yolk using a fork and add 2 tsp of water.
  • Add the yolk mix­ture to face using a sponge.
  • Leave on for 15 min­utes or until dry.
  • Wash off with warm water and a gen­tle cleaner.
Use of Honey
Honey is the best and great sub­stance that heals your acne, if you ever had acne and its keep com­ing back after some time, then you should use honey on that area. For that, just fol­low these steps:
  • Boil the honey in microwave for 10 sec.
  • Wash your hands and wash the area where you have prob­lem of acne.
  • Apply honey on the skin and leave it for10 min.
  • After 10 min­utes, wash your skin with warm water. Don’t use soap.
Here are some more professional tips to get rid of acne fast. Visit  How To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast